Positive Behavior Instruction:
Teaches the behaviors that are expected
Models those behaviors
Consistently enforces meaningful consequences for behavior intervention
Supports a positive learning environment
Teaching children using Positive Behavior techniques helps us to:
Create an environment where EVERY child feels good about coming to school.
Design an environment that promotes child engagement.
Focus on teaching children What To Do!
Teach expectations and routines.
Teach skills that children can use
in place of challenging behaviors.
There are 13 books in the Superstar Kid series:
Super Friends
I can be a Super Friends in the Block Area
I can be a Super Friend at Circle Time
I can be a Super Friend at the Easel
I can be a Super Friend at the Reading Corner
I can be a Super Friend Playing on the Carpet
I can be a Super Friend in the Hallway
I can be a Super Friend on the Playground
I can be a Super Friend at the Dramatic Play Area
I can be a Super Friend at the Sensory Table
I can be a Super Friend Cleaning up the Classroom
I can be a Super Friend at the Writing Center
I can be a Super Friend at Home
Each book illustrates the positive behavior expected to be respectful, responsible, safe and kind.
Why teach Positive Behavior?
Challenging behavior usually has a message- I am bored, I am sad, you hurt my feelings, I need some attention.
Children often use challenging behavior when they don't have the social or communication skills they need to engage in more appropriate interactions.
Behavior that persists over time is usually working for the child.
We need to focus on teaching children what to do in place of the challenging behavior.
Superstar Kids also has a song book that has a catchy song that kids love to sing!
Banners are used to spread your Super Friend pride throughout the school!